Magento interview Q&A

1. How to get first item or last item from the collection?

2. How will you log current collection’s SQL query?

3. Magento where is the relation between configurable product and it’s simple product stored in database?

4. What can you do to optimize Magento performance?

5. What are the different design patterns used in Magento?

6. Magento what are the commonly used block types? What is the special in core/text_list block type.

7. Explain different types of sessions in Magento and the reason why you store data in different session types?

8. How many database tables will Magento create when you make a new EAV module?

9. What are magic methods in Magento?

10. How will you enable maintenance mode of your Magento website?

11. How will you join flat table and EAV table in Magento?

12. Magento can you have more than one Grid in a module?

13. Magento how will you add/remove content from core’s system.xml file?

14. How will you override Block/Model/controllers in Magento?

15. Is it mandatory to give Namespace while creating custom module in Magento?

16. Magento difference between EAV and flat model ?

17. Magento how will you enable product’s custom attribute visibility in frontend?

18. When will you need to clear cache to see the changes in Magento?

19. What is codePool in Magento?

20. Magento how will you call a CMS block in your module’s PHTML file?

21. Difference between Mage::getSingleton() and Mage::getModel() in magento

22. What is EAV in Magento?

23. How Magento ORM works?

24. Explain Magento MVC architecture.

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